Posted on 09-30-08 07:53 PM ID: 91442 Buzzy Beetle Level: 41 Posts: 276/383 EXP: 474590 Next: 5555 Since: 02-22-07 Last post: 1835 days Last view: 1808 days Ok, after you decompress the lz77 file, you will have your ROM I've heard they are playable. I'm just bored in class so yeah.I'll give the details about it later. If you want the file itself, the 'ROM' file, I'm not sure, I'll have to get back to you guys on that when I get home. Posted on 09-30-08 06:28 PM ID: 91438 Newcomer Level: 6 Posts: 2/5 EXP: 654 Next: 253 Since: 09-30-08 Last post: 230 days Last view: 226 days I must say, I'm am very glad there are people interested in helping me with this =D The whole.wad itself is around 17+ MB.
Other things I've tried: injecting a SMRPG rom into a SMRPG.wad file (didn't work) =-=-=-=-= So basically in nutshell, I extracted a 'ROM' version from the Super Mario RPG Virtual Console.wad file and want to know if anyone would be willing to help me find out how to go about converting it into an bootable ROM in a SNES emulator, or help trying to hack/edit it.
Things I've tried doing using the LZ77JCBE.rom file: loading it up in Tile Layer Pro to see possible editable gfx (doesn't work) loading it up in SNESPal to find Palette color patterns (didn't work) loading it up as a.smc file in snes9x/zsnes (didn't work) - I loaded it up in a hex editor and found the lettering for the Jump text for Mario's special's and simply changed it but I haven't figured out exactly how to put this all back together as a.wad. You can spot letters here and there and make out words in your head and whatnot, but its hard to actually edit anything you want.

While the commercial SMRPG rom has actual ASCII readable words viewed in a hex editor, loading up the LZ77JCBE.rom file will show similar results but there's obviously been some kind of compression or some kind of thing. Like if you open up a commercial SMRPG ROM into a hex editor, and load up the LZ77JCBE.rom into a hex editor and put them side by side (having the window sizes the same height/width), you can actually scroll down on both and you can find almost the same data. Well I loaded it up into a hex editor and, belive it or not, there ARE actual similarities to a commercial ROM. So how can I tell this LZ77JCBE.rom file is the actual SMRPG 'ROM'? Or maybe they had to modify the whole thing with it having the SA-1 chip and all. My thinking is that they might have shrank/compressed/made it smaller by deleting unused data like taking out blank spaces where it wasn't needed.

But in this case of SMRPG, a commercial SMRPG ROM is about 4 MB, while the extracted.rom file is only around 3 MB. The.rom file extracted out and an actual commercial rom size where the same, if not, almost similar. Now I'm not certain if doing this to other games like NES VC games or N64 games actually come out with a playable ROM to use on an emulator, but I know changing LZ77JCBE.rom to something like SMRPG.smc and booting it up in Snes9x/Zsnes won't make it playable.Side note- Reading on a forum, I think GBAtemp (thats where I learned how to extract.wad's and etc), someone did say they extracted Sin and Punishment and got the.rom file out and changed it to SP.v64 and it actually did boot up in an emulator. When it came out, it came out as LZ77JCBE.rom, which is the ROM.